Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hi First Grade Parents,

Please enjoy our photos of our fun-filled day.
Did you know that your small intestine is about 20 feet long?

We love to read "back-to-back" with our friends.

Thumbs Up-Thumbs Down Spelling is a great way to practice our spelling words.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy Wacky Wednesday!

Today we read our weekly story, Where Do Frogs Come From? in the front hallway so that all who passed by would hear what great readers we have become!  We also practiced our spelling words by playing "Tall/Small Spelling.  The children reached for the sky for "tall" letters, touched the ground for "fall" letters and put our hands on our hips for "short" letters.  For fun you can practice at home in this way.  I also took a few pictures of our classroom bulletin boards that highlight our November work.  Our huge turkey has "thankful" feathers on it.  Each child wrote one important thing that he/she is thankful for.  We also wrote a persuasive paragraph.  Each student pretended to be a turkey and wrote why it wouldn't be a good idea to eat him/her for Thanksgiving dinner and we also practiced our handwriting by copying a Turkey Acrostic Poem.  I hope you enjoy our photos.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Hello Everyone,

I forgot to mention when I posted our Halloween party pictures (previous post) what a fun time we had.  We paraded through the school to show off our costumes and ended up back in our classroom for a class party.  The children had so much fun.  A big thank you to our party planners: Mrs. Zang, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. Bender.  It was a blast!!!!
Happy Halloween