Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Yipee! It is the 100th Day of School!

What a fun day we had.  We started by wearing our "I Survived 100 Days of School" necklaces.  Then we wrote about what life would be like when the students are 100 years old.  We will compile the writings and make into a class book available for check-out.  We sorted nouns and verbs and did a 100th Day Workout.  We also did some timed activities, such as how many times can you clap your hands in 100 seconds and how many times can you hop up and down in 100 seconds?  We also did some fun 100th Day math games.  The day ended with the sharing of our collection of 100 items. We weighed our items using a balance scale.  Brodie's collection of 100 counting bears weighed the most while Isabella's collection of beautiful beads weighed the least.