Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

What an afternoon it was.  We paraded through the school in our costumes and upon our return to our classroom we had an awesome party.  We would like to thank our party planners: Mrs. Positano, Mr. Shah, Mrs. Schenck, and Mrs. Hofstetter.  The kids had a terrific time playing games and doing a craft.  Please enjoy our Halloween photos.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Yesterday was Wacky Wednesday!
We read our basal story, "Dan's Pet" backwards.  We started at the end of the story and read to the beginning.  We discussed how important it is to recall events in order and we discovered how confusing the story was when not read in sequence.  Later, we read the story in pairs, the right way, from beginning to end.  We then practiced our spelling words in a very relaxing way.  Enjoy our Relax and Spell photos.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hello First Grade Parents,

Today we had a special visit from our school social worker, Mrs. Amanda Rentmeester.  She came in to speak with our class about working together as a team, cooperating with each other, listening to others' ideas, and respectfully waiting for others.  By involving the students in a team building activity, the students were able to see how to achieve a common goal by working together to solve a problem.  In the activity, the children were asked to try to stack cups to make a pyramid by moving the cups via a string and rubber band.  The task was very tricky, but could be accomplished by working together and trying to solve the problem using different approaches and trying new strategies.  I think that the children learned a lot about working together.  I hope that I got everyone in the photos. I apologize if I missed anyone.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hello Parents,

Today for Wacky Wednesday, we practiced our spelling words by going on a spelling word scavenger hunt.  This week's spelling words were "hidden" in the room and the children had to find the words and write them down on the scavenger hunt sheet.  We hope you enjoy our pictures!

Friday, October 10, 2014

This week in reading we read the story, Todd's Box.  It is about a boy who collects things in a box and surprises his mom at the end of the story.  We shared our own surprise boxes today in class.  Each student brought an item in a box and wrote three clues that described the object.  The students then had to guess what was in the surprise box.  It was lots of fun and the kids wrote great clues!